Going back on Prozac?
How long did you wait for another adjust after increase? Next 12 weeks or earlier? Not asking what docs says only your experiences
No energy, apathy and lack of motivation are my depression symptoms. What SSRI’s don’t make you tired? I need energy.
Best SSRI for lifelong use for panic attacks and depression? Dosage?
Feeling regression 3 months in
Anxiety is so much better but...
I need advice
Just want to say: I love Prozac. I’m much happier now, much content and much social, active and joking. Thanks Ili Lilly for inventing this grace.
If your looking for a sign, this is it - my success story so far
What was your The longest time for Prozac to start work? 5 months with anxiety any chances that it will go away? It always takes me 2 months on Prozac for anxiety, now its only worse. 20 mg 8 weeks, 30 mg 4 days
What add to fluoxetine when it helps for depression but gives also high anxiety? Anxiety didnt go away even be on Prozac few months? Increase dose can help or only will make anxiety worse?
How to increase motivation
Has Prozac helped you with social anxiety?
Caffeine tolerance & Prozac
Week 8 way better mood and PMDD but my anxiety its not improving
What dose do you take for anxiety?
Low dose Lexapro to Prozac ?
My prozac journey - 7 months after starting
baby’s first dose
Please tell me the Prozac tiredness goes away
How do you handle anxiety side effect when starting?
Does Prozac reduce caffeine tolerance?
8 weeks 20mg panic attacks worse, upping 40mg help you?
Prozac for anxiety? is this a good idea?