How to become as much of a workcaholic in your hobbies as you are on your job?
Should I already have new armour?
Am I meant to find Maps of areas?
How is you beat/song creation process?
Should I buy fertilizer?
Do animals just spawn in their respective housing after I buy them?
Resource Storage I reach?
How to get farm technology point?
Song from movie PRESENCE 2024?
Do you guys build a base ASAP or do you roam around?
Can I play without paying the slight attention to the story?
What is it with every game having some campaign.....
Do I have to play quests?
Task Priorities?
New player, Where to start?
First time playing. What option to start with?
Your "Room inside a Room"?
How do I fix this?
How do you prevent noise from escaping a Room?
How to have sound not escape?
Do you guys make music in your Mother tongue?(Or not?)
Got a few games on my "TO TRY" folder. Care to take a look and recomendations? :D
Question about DRG:Survivor
Does Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor have replay value?
Can I reinstall my hardware in other devices?