He should get those worms treated
Panzergeneral Freuding approves unlimited German military budget
You all asked for it! This 3rd time I don't want to hear any complaining or unease
Bundestagswahl 2025
I tried to redesign the 5 Euro note a little. Not 100% finished yet (hologram and micro-writing in progress). Suggestions for improvement welcome
Habe mal versucht den 5 Euro Schein ein bisschen umzugestalten. Noch nicht 100% fertig (Hologramm und Mikroschrift in Bearbeitung). Verbesserungsvorschläge erwünscht
I'm Author Christopher Paolini (Eragon & sequels) -- AMA!!!
EXTREMELY rare Hungarian W
Volt joins Greens/EFA in the European Parliament
Volt has won 3 seats in Germany, with over a million votes in 2024 🇪🇺🎉
Should this be the official map on how we see the world, am open to suggestions on how to improve.
USA und Verbündete starten Militäreinsatz gegen Huthi-Rebellen
City Planner Plays CS2 Hardware Benchmark, Performance and Settings
Germany please
Ich kann mit dieser Situation nicht umgehen
Real world city sizes - how they fit in 81 tiles and why 81 tile size is important.
Cities: Skylines II Is a Truly Enormous Sequel - Interview with CEO. New info, 172km2 map, lane changing, move for emergency vehicles, parking, citizen and business simulation.
Europe’s major satellite players line up to build Starlink competitor
On this day in 2004 – Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia join the European Union, the largest expansion of the EU.
Gendern: Sprachaktivisten erreichen nur ihr Milieu
15-Minuten-Städte: Diese verrückte neue Verschwörungstheorie geistert aktuell durchs Netz
No bosses, unlimited holidays, same pay for less work: The Berlin start-ups putting workers first
Bei der Bäckerei im Nachbarort gesehen
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