Why is every game like that? It feels like I'm doomed, if I win 1 game next 2 is instant lose, afk players, feeders, cant do anything.
How you deal against Yorick jg?
What am I doing wrong? even if I win my matchups they outscale me in later so hard
Experimenting with Shen jungle in low Elo, any recommendation? I'm trying to get dmg from HOB runes and Heartsteel
DÁP/Ügyfélkapu+ megathread
Are Raidmax cases reputable?
why do some people play slay ride resurgence, if they don't care about in the objectives?
Mi az a dolog, amit sokan pénzkidobásnak tartanak, de te rendszeresen szoktál költeni rá?
Switched to AMD but many games have glitches / lagging issues
A procit meg én hűtőm? mondjuk a HDD is jó helyen van... Alakú képes ha valakinek bejön
Dell RX 6500 - how good is it?
New Am5 system keeps freezing randomly
Alzaról negéri felbontott terméket vásárolni?
Is it worth to buy/consider Ryzen 5 8400F?
is it risky to order from this store? Ali gave me a coint discount to one item from this store
DO NOT ORDER from FORYOUD Store and HIFUN GAME Store, they're selling CLONES!
Hátső szélvédő fűtés javítás
What am I missing?
Groudon (2048 6455 6779)
Just ordered a new one
Másnál is akadozik a DIGI-s internet?
R36S from ProQueen Store
How does this Q9 retro handheld compare to the SF 2000?
First encounter on route 38, can I catch it somehow?
Pokémon FireRed