You can’t _____ me, I quit!
You enchanted heap of misguided nonsense!
How exactly do you get Lapras EX through the event?
Late Joiners
Socialist States of South America
Whats wrong with me?
How to Fix Recipes so they match in game crafting
Never gonna __________________________
I’ll rate your favourite country to play as in RON from 1-10
Lately Ive been feeling like eating a ________
W run as San Marino?
60 hours of playtime still at bronze, is this normal?
Run as belize
On November 5th 2024 America will _______
They want to take our _____ away and I will not stanf for it
_______ or treat
What is Trump's fate?
I pledge allegiance to ______.
Hey Spirits, What's for dinner tonight?
these 3 (ukraine hungary and israel) spammed forts declared on me and sat in entrenchment all just hoping for my downfall. how do they find this fun? i ended up winning by putting 4 mil troops in one stack
Spirits, what is your favorite medieval weapon?
What is the solution to world hunger?
I am _____!
Mario and Luigis third brother is called ______.
What's your name without these letters?