Too much fight here, Lets talk about figherjets
Best economy in IPL (Min. 100 matches)
What a weird day on Asia_irl today
I made this which accurately depicts 90% of Asia_irl users
Just going to leave this here
Arab vs ladyboys
"Muslim whenever I want to be" ahh pakistani
Saar why you not apply colour😠😠
South Korean incels when they realize their mom is a woman
definitely not astroturfed by bots
Yi kya....😐
Imperial Nepal 🇳🇵: He is back
Racism ends here.
With the new laws,the same days aren't very far from us
Pookiestani Police
Feels weird man☹️💔
I love this arab uncle, Any one know who he is ?
Whats going on in Pakistan
White supremacy went from calling 90% of Europe as Barbarians (even including Germans at times) to claiming Indians.
Zelensky,the second Alexander
These old houses were something else🍁
Reality of Xinese
Pakistani forces throwing stones at locals in Muzaffarabad, Azad Kashmir
r/kashmir members defending r/kashmiri
Need help with this !