If you and your significant other decided to film yourselves, would the camera cause you to put on a performance?
Can your significant other successfully tell you the things you may not want to hear about yourself?
What’s your best rhyming pick up line?
What’s an important question you think people should be asking early on when they’re interested in someone?
What movie/music genre most reflects your sex life and why?
Do women enjoy the feel of being titty fucked, or is it more for the other person?
When do you feel the most confident sexually?
What was the best “out of the ordinary” and unique date you’ve been on?
On a scale of 1-10, how easy is it for you to keep your mind present and in the moment during sex?
Is having “better sex” enough of a motivator to change your nutrition and fitness habits?
Shake on it?
Let’s make a deal
Self Care
Ladies, when getting your titties sucked, is it true you can also feel that sensation elsewhere?
Mornings are for coffee...
What is something you wish your HR would change or allow?
Can you recommend a streaming show that is both sexy and well written?
(Flash warning) were you surprised by my drop
Those of you who know how to cook, what’s your signature dish?
What’s the most petty thing you’ve done in a relationship?
How many of you would choose being eaten out over penetration?
Twice as nice
Do men like unsolicited tit pics 📸?