If you could see one band in their prime, who would it be?
do u guys remember this 😭
If you could recommend one song by The Doors for someone who’s never heard them, what would it be and why?
Do you think ‘Under Pressure’ would have been as iconic if it had been fully written and performed by just Queen or just David Bowie, rather than as a collaboration? Why or why not?
Under Pressure Queen Ft David Bowie
Under Pressure (Queen Featuring David Bowie)
Queen & David Bowie - Rock
Oh brother
What was the excitement like when a new album dropped before the internet? Did people line up at record stores?
Were there any bands or artists that were seen as overrated or underrated at the time but are viewed differently now?
What do you think when you see the generation now wearing band shirts, dressing like the old days or collecting vinyls, cassettes etc?
What concerts did you attend back in the day, and how much did tickets cost?
If there was a time machine, would you go back to the 70-90s?
I'll rate your favorite song out of ten
she used stupid hoe as the audio which is pretty fitting
opinion !!!!
Remember when she went on live drunk
waiting for her hair to fall out even more..
why is karma turning into cora 😭 like
She always repeats how she "doesn't give a fuck" and proceeds to constantly talk about things
cora trying to justify the fact she bodyshamed a girl
lmfaoo i just found this gem
being a prick to their fans once again..