Someone lost their mouse being the dryer
I see this every morning on my pillow when I open my eyes 😍What do you see when you wake up?🥹
NOT OOP: r/trueoffmychest: I looked at my wife yesterday and thought. "Why can't she just fucking stop sometimes?"
I’M a manipulator
Am I wrong for wanting...
Recognizing when my partner is fawning?
18f I want yall to make me cry
My friend’s character died, and I cannot stop crying
I’m going to be 25 in two months, and I don’t know if I can handle being a 25-year-old nothing. Please give me your “I got my shit together late in life” stories.
Think ADHD Means You Can't Focus?
No sex in months
Have you guys experienced an "energy vampire" before? My experience.
What's your weirdest/most unique sensory issue?
Shaky, shaky, shaky, pur, purr, purrr!
Having an intimidating appearance really sucks.
Every night I do this to my boyfriend... (UPDATE)
I do this every night to my boyfriend while he's asleep...
If I'm wrong then tell me I'm wrong
“If you don’t suck my d*ck someone else will”
AIO UPDATE: “friend” gave me 🍃brownies without my knowledge or consent.
What’s your “serial killer trait” that (hypothetically) would make everyone say, “We should’ve known”?
I wish I had morals
New, scared, and seeking guidance..
Another 1895 RC Appreciation Post
Not really any context to add to this, this was unprompted from someone I’ve never really talked to but one time.