Why did God take Enoch and Elijah to heaven without them dying?
Does Satan and the fallen angels know about the final judgement and lake of fire and if so why wouldn't they stop tempting Humanity into sin and beg God to forgive them?
What would happen if Tom Hagen, Carlo Rizzi or Fredo Corleone did the hit on Sollozo and McCluskey?
Why doesn't God all Satan and the fallen angels the chance to confess their sins to Jesus Christ and repent?
According to The Animatrix the humans were oppressive and evil and tried to destroy the machines nation of 001 despite the machines wanting to join the United Nations and everyone trying to destroy them outright?
If Smith was able to take control of the Machine City would he destroy everything like The Oracle thought or create his own Utopia without destroying everything until there was nothing left at all?
What would happen if Maxwell Lord met Lex Luthor and granted him his one wish like he did with everyone else?
What would happen if The Joker was forced to join suicide squad and work for the government alongside of other villains?
Were Agent Smith and the other Agents aware that Neo was the one and the exustance of the others before Him, if so why didn't they allow Neo to fulfill his role without fighting him and always trying to kill or capture Neo?
Tauriel and Kili from The Hobbit movie fell in love and might have had children together, would the Elves and Dwarves have approved of a mixed species marriage?
In Full Metal Jacket (1987 movie) what would Hartman do if Private Joker never admitted that he made the John Wayne joke and Hartman was made to look foolish without anyone accepting responsibility for it?
Did Smith copy himself onto The Architect or was he unable to take control of him unlike with The Oracle?
In The Matrix, what happens if Neo did not love Trinity back and was annoyed at her kissing him and proclaiming her love for him when he barely even knew her at all?
What would happen if Cypher had pulled the plug on Neo first instead of Apac and Twitch causing him to be dead?
How would Tom Bombadil have reacted if Gollum entered the Old Forest in pursuit of Frodo and the One Ring and Tom caught him sneaking around?
In The Matrix Reloaded, what would happen to Neo and the Matrix if Neo decided to physically attack The Architect in anger instead of leaving?
Should the Geneva conventions be dissolved since many countries and terrorist.groups don't care about them anymore and they were signed by men who are long dead and no longer apply to current governments and militaries?
The Godfather Part 2, what would happen if Klingman and the other casino owners told the FBI that Michael Corleone forced them out of their business and testified against him during the Senate hearings?
How did the Corleone Family avoid getting forced out of the casino business by gaming control board of Nevada and the FBI which arrested many people in the Mafia in real life and got rid of their control of Las Vegas casinos?
In The Godfather, if Paulie stole the bridal purse money would Don Barzini and his men be blamed and accused of it since they were there and not actually friends of Don Corleone?
How would Lt. Columbo have handled the OJ Simpson murders if he was the first police officer to arrive and examine the murder scene?
What would happen if the United States had invaded Iran instead of Iraq and occupied it in 2003?
In Serpico (1973 movie) why doesn't Frank Serpico just meet personally with the Police Commissioner and inform him about the police corruption?
Who would win a charity exhibition fight or street fight between Thunderlips and Ivan Drago?
Since God knows all things did God know Lucifer later called Satan would rebel against God and convince one third of the angels to join him in rebellion?