Mordekaiser jungle?
Xin otp?
Goodbye, my friend
Been loving Shen jungle
Is Shen mid good?
Thoughts on my champ pool?
Morde jungle?
Yuuumi OTP
Better AD jungler?
Experimenting with Shen jungle in low Elo, any recommendation? I'm trying to get dmg from HOB runes and Heartsteel
Best jungle to one trick out of gold?
The Syndra grind finally paid off!
Zyra otp?
Friendly reminder that the Golden Mythmaker Galio Chroma is available for 40 mythic essence right now
What creatures you using for drops?
Are compound bows good?
Best cave tame for extinction?
Pantheon jungle?
Cho mid?
What class do i make? O_O
Gragas OTP?
Sylas OTP?
Ekko otp?
Taliyah OTP?