Mia, Inc & Andy in Miami (read her caption🤣)
Another fucking update on the lawsuit against Famy’s husband: “Has someone been hiding assets?” edition.
Jason is not cut out for the influencer life.
36 Weeks Pregnant YouTube Highlights. Confirms she wanted him to come early.
Nneka’s baby shower
Im trying to imagine someone saying “updo” and “Gstaad” nonstop😂🙃
Am I the only one who thinks she looks like Micheal Jackson???
Do not touch the poo
RHOP on pause until further notice
A Well Trained Wife -- IBLP book
Posts about how dangerous Instagram is for kids // has a goddamn Instagram profile for her 5 year old and posts content of him constantly
Stories 3/11/25- still pregnant, forced expectations, birth playlist, western collection, bassinet advertising
Woah (Kristy’s husband)
What a doofus
What do we watch in between seasons? 🥴
Ramona in Morocco is giving me second hand embarrassment, and she just got there (S4)
I screen recorded a random live Dorinda did last night 🍸🍸🍸
Mykelti and why she doesn't like Meri
I just thought this too reaction was brilliant
Stories 3/6/25- nursery x2, exciting baby appointments, insomnia cookies, walks with jdong, hoping to not go a second past 40 weeks
Scheana on The Masked Singer
Dare I say we may have a new Queen of Delusion?👑
Saw Gizelle Bryant in DC!
It’s only Tuesday……but still I rise
8 weeks v 9 months