Hands down the best quality puzzle I've ever solved, and fuck you.
Help with surrendering axolotl
Lost my little buddy and I'm gutted
For those who were diagnosed later in life, how important was knowing you had autism to manage it in a healthy manner?
lalo getting tickled by a shrimp
The way he floats 😂
Good hair day
Can you use large lava rocks in an axie tank?
Lid for axolotl?
After almost 4 years, today is a sad day
I have a conundrum
Is my axolotl dead
The entire Loz 1600 City Street View Collection Completed! Not one missing piece in the whole shebang. 😲
Slowmo Eating
What type of axolotl is knubs ?
Where do y’all get your night crawlers?
Hurricane Preparedness?
Masterful Reflexes
Black marks
One of my baby axolotls
Best axolotl food?
What is this - wrong guesses only
How warm can an axolotl survive?