How do you deal with dress code?
How can I get my guy friends to stop saying slurs?
Kind of struggling with my identity
what am i 😭🙏🏻
Dress code for a wedding 🙄
Rate my classroom layout (orange is where I sit)
What would you prefer a dude call his reproductive organ
I did this in a math textbook idk why
How many digits of pi do you know?
my youtube is dry, got any channels?
Where do y'all look in changing rooms?
Does anybody pass as one ethnicity even though they are mixed race?
is it weird to have posters in a bedroom?
Have your parents ever spanked you?
Opinion on sending nudes
Is getting called a "female" offensive to you?
what is your ideal man (to those who like guys)
I hate being a woman
Do girls feel the GUILT after masturbating?
A 17 year old boys has a crush on me
I’m 18 and feel lost in life and like a failure
When was NASCAR in it's prime?
Is the cross "just" a shape?
380 saying "good girl"
I'm kind of glad Mia won the island