Saw this edit on /ink/ and believed it for a second. r/splatoon, what are your thoughts on this hypothetical mode?
What is french Bayonetta saying?
Bro 💀
Sizzle Season - Sneak Peek Summary - Day 5
How Purple Pikmin are created
whenever Bayonetta tilts her head down I always get Daniel Radcliffe vibes.
Tell me a reason to hate bayonetta
"They shall die but make it thrice" 🗣️ At this point the true Arch-eve is Gamorrah
How do I get back into 3 again?
"Free will is a joke, it is a worthless illusion" - Aesir
the duality of rule
Church Terminology Changes of the last 5 years
Bayonetta 3 hate
I was going for the Wink Slave but the Assault Slave was so much cooler
I knew there was a difference but oh god
Say what you Will About Viola, but I do Genuinely Like her Little Comments About the Demons (Feat. Viola’s Lesbianism)
My Cereza and the Lost Demon Inspired Artwork
My "FIX" of Bayonetta 3 face on B2 costume (with glasses!) [PART 2]
Thoughts on Hommunculi?
She said she was but done with this bloody franchise, but in our darkest hours, she returns to us 🙏 💅💃
Which tracks could make the next album?
What is the point of Taunting?
What are your most used combos?
15 pound slab of bacon. Dali Jasper / Pork Stone / Banded Calcite?
This one gives me a headache for some reason