WSG said rappers/producers we think he's cool with, don't really like him. Who is he talking about?
Where should I cop a Josh Allen college jersey
Which Shrek dance/karaoke party was the most crunk?
What's the worst/most annoying Double D moment?
Me and the squad when we hear people saying they unironically want a parody of Mickey Mouse to be the main villain of Shrek 5:
My gf's fits
Shrek 3 the funniest?
Which nick characters was most hated
How much of Jimmy’s crybaby behavior is due to sarah’s influence?
Why does Eddy get pissed at Edd whenever things don’t go his way and they get punished for it?
I need help with colors/Nike By You
Coming June 17th! Looney Tunes Collector’s Vault Vol. 1
AITA for ruining our trip to Brazil?
The Cul de sac kids were dead ass wrong for getting skating in the grease 😂😂😂. Then have the nerve to get mad at Eddy
Companion Abilities tier list (PC/Switch version)
Arnold Visits Arnie wins round 5: Round 6: which episode is the weirdest?
There’s still one piece of Shrek media Schaff has yet to cover.
This is it, the final cheese. Round 6
Does anyone else love this boxset.
Aaaaand the TCAP alphabet game is officially complete! Thank you to everyone who contributed and voted! It was so much fun to host this!!
Name a fictional character that it's hate is forced?
My response to who should be the villain for Shrek 5
What your opinion on the cancelled live action show