Easy Classes for senior year
Bunny Girl Shinano (Original Content)
Enterprise or Taihou u?
Republican FDR?!?!?!
What is a good fleet to Auto 14-4 first try? (longer question is in the comments)
DAY 6: Top Comment Edits a Randomly Picked State: West Virginia
TB Wishes you a Happy Valentines Day!
Day 4: Top Comment Adds A State
"Oops there's nothing to see here" error message when viewing a friends public story
Day 1: Top Comment Adds A State
Dating at WVU
What yall drive IRL
Does EA hoe you guys?
Iron blood characters, also I found out there's a new tier list for all the characters up to december 31st 2024, meaning I can do a combined list ranking EVERYONE after I'm done here, minus the LNY ships of course XD
Debating on starting the new project identity. I did the first one with TB, but haven't done anymore endings bc it is very time consuming. Thoughts?
Day 1 of trying to get a comment from every city
Part 7: after a couple years of being nuked we are picking up. Wars can be done now! Top 3 comments change what happens next!
would airflow be a big problem?
Finally I can put her sexy skins to use 🙏😩
TB wishes you all a Happy Lunar (Chinese) New Year! (she is so adorable!)
Ummm I don't think that is Nirvana or Daft Punk.... (NSFW tagged for obvious symbol)
Who cares about 5000 series..
Starting literally on the 0 yard line.
Trying to get a comment from every person in the US (Day 3)
Finished developing my wife, Napoli,I love her design so much