Downsides of multiple dives XD
Chococat has betrayed me for the last time...
Coldrain have just announced that they will be embarking on their first European Tour in four years in February to March 2024!
No it’s okay I got this. You go on ahead without me…
His age better go up or i’ll riot
Who will you defend ?
My husband’s unexpected intro to Secret Times
My first LADS fanart ⛄
My negative review of Sky + the reason I'm leaving the game.
Placing TDB Ghouls In Memes Pt 1
Told him I finished studying, got called a nerd.
I just dyed my outfit green and I went to prairie lobby to see what it looks like in bright lighting. Then I found someone with the same color scheme! We look like a couple lol
My Family Who Doesn't Play TD Choose Charachters
Why does Alan call Sho 'Bandana'?
Seems its confirmed
when he uses his evol to get the plushie and still misses
ngl this really grinds my gears so big PSA once again
Guys, these Designs are SO GOOD
comment a photo of ur mc! heres mine🫶
Why tho?
This is canon (riel no fake)
Sylus Myth| Beyond Cloudfall ❤️