Where is the best place to get eyeglass frames online?
How do I slow down my ceiling fans?
did i green out?
When watching a Hitler speech, can Germans understand what he is saying ?
Why do people say 'just be yourself' when that clearly doesn’t work half the time?
What would happen if Steam is Publicly owned?
Is anyone else’s X videos mainly fights?
How important is PD with lenses?
Should we be buying Tesla stock right now?
Everybody is reacting like this is Kanye. But it doesn’t look like him. Or is it just me?
Can I take the boxes from grocery stores?
I did it. I got the open trunk meta.
Has anyone ever had a cigarette in space?
Are we just a brain controlling a body?
How do I stop forgetting NOT to swallow the junk food that im eating?
Delivery app tips
Is this a dealbreaker?
Top surgery real name
How many of you
Do you pee after you poop?
do all drugs destroy the human body?
Showman doing Showman things
Is there a theoretical limit on inflation?
What are some songs like “just a friend” and “because I was high”?
Does anyone else think Earth is better than ever?