How do I fight better offspawn in a hotdrop?
question regarding Backwards compatability
Dinner is ready
Dude hates his own game 💀
First look at Mortal Kombat 2 | In Cinemas This Year
It might be weird but i think Fortnite has been designing skins butts unrealistically for a long time and I don't think that's right bc most skin looks weird with it (Left one is from Dead by Daylight)
I wish impact rolls had more use
Currently developing the dumbest playstyle known to man.
Is it easy to spend $1500 in Fortnite?
My boy's asking me for coffee gums 🤨 ( yep his name is Iggy )
We got estrogen as a new collectable
If someone asks you what testicular torsion is just show them this
I always knew he was a stupid jerk
Jump orbs in wave except i made them actually functional
I know I'm doing something wrong but I just don't know what. Any advice/tips?
Minecraft Movie bingo
Whoever designed the new Ryker skin deserves a pay raise of a gazilion dollers.
On my "playing like a fucking lunatic" arc (Reload gameplay)
Now that Lara Croft is back with an alternate version, is it time for this guy to come back also?
WB's A Minecraft Movie doesn't work because it doesn't leverage anything that makes Minecraft unique.
What's the play here?
Nintendo Switch 2 – First-look trailer
If enderman hates water how the hell do they drink?
Last night I got into a Ballistic match with literally nobody else on the enemy team