Resumo de história, eles são a mesma coisa
Fuma Kotaro | Colored By Me
Tier list based on who won their rounds
Real man
Buddha edit
Rating them as gamer
Qin drinking his Sweet mercury
Someone did this with R9,so i thought it woulde be funny to do this with tesla and beel
What episodes do you think Death Battle themselves genuinely hate?
SEXTOU!!!! é dentro?
So, I went back to check out some of their older episodes again and…..did they change some of the thumbnails? They look different than what I remember.
Desenho que eu fiz do buda de SnV (aceito criticas e conselhos)
Belo time
Nem sempre um "gamer", mas sempre um "gamer"
Vou assistir esse sem medo
Season 3 Announcement!
Im so happy rn
Record of Ragnarok Season 3 Announcement Trailer
Hot takes dump
Segundo a opinião de vocês qual anime você gostou mas que poderia ter sido melhor?
A luta mais épica dos animes