That people expect women to ignore men's physical attractiveness
Question about bulk buying
I just want to complain
Imagine this skin for violetta if an aot collab happen.. 🫣
Subs like im14andthisisdeep
Music education
Financial Aid Released
Does anyone feel the same?
Will people cosplay to the movie?
Travel influencers.
Can someone explain this
People who can’t see beyond their own experience of the world and proclaim everything outside of it as invalid.
Are connections hard to find from a school that's in the middle of nowhere?
I think I'm addicted to sugar
Pretty women posting on r/amiugly or r/howtolooksmax are quite annoying (imo)
When non Americans complain about Americans centering ourselves in our own worldview
I can't hear audio of other players in CC since recent update
Be honest, is this a bad start ?
“That comedian is NOT funny”
It’s all gone
How do I fix this
Does anyone have plus sized miku cosplay websites
Account ban