Ah Poshmark, you shouldn’t have
People buying lunch not breakfast?
19F Make me cry
going to detox monday need some advice please🙏🏼
I take 1mg of Clonazepam nightly and want to reduce to 0.5mg
What helps benzo WD?
Terrified of things I never used to be afraid of
Benzo WD = WTF?
What should I do if I keep seeing a strange man in my backyard?
I just acquired 30 💊 Clonazepam 0.5mg
Does benzo belly make it difficult to eat and do you lose weight?
What helps sever WD
Can I smoke Xanax?
What do we think the new "highly requested" feature is?
Sever PAWS Help!
Can I reverse the physical damage?
Can someone please tell me what tf I’m looking at?
Is it possible to experience withdrawal from just a week of use?
Benzo belly
What benzo would be best for long term use
I honestly function at my best on clonazapam! Is it safe enough to take daily with a psychiatrist?
Guess Im fucked
You’re smoking dick cheese if u say gabapentin is trash.
crippling anxiety, nothing has helped. How do I go about mentioning a benzodiazepine?
Need urgent help