narc theme song?
What joys won’t you share w your narc?
share your narc quote of the day
I haven't heard my real name from him in over a decade
Tattoo idea?
Medicated ADHD diet
Okay, if you were me where would your passport be?
What song is currently living rent free in your head?
Spent my last dollar on this monster, currently cooling it in the freezer to make it cool faster. Can you guys remind me in 20 minutes to take it out? Thanks in advance!
How many divorces does your narcissist have under his or her belt?
Triggered by “my” vs. “our”
Do Narcissists Often Have Other Mental Illnesses?
Still Life Broth
"I wonder if my elder female relatives had ADHD?" ... Yes, yes they did.
I always do😂
This is rubbing me the wrong way. Am I overreacting?
What are common posts on ADHD subs that you don't relate to?
Why can't we get the help we need for emotional abuse?
A new week begins, and I must update my husband on our baby’s current size
I texted a cleaning lady pictures of my apartment and I'm spiraling.
Do narcs overreact to pain?
[Canada] Easily avoidable accident causes rollover
How come YMCA as non profit charge so much while pay so little for the teacher
Is your narc a liar?
Nice try
Seems fun