Do you think mass deportation can be done ethically/legally?
No gods or kings, only man
In order to achieve true gender equality, we should pressure game devs to start making men sexy too.
You should be able to play a game however you want
Sleep in?
I got a boi!
Noise Marine helmet prop
I voted for trump
1st part done, 12 more to go
Lancer WIP
Just successfully tamed this cat, she seems to get along well with my sheeps
this flashed before my eyes as I woke up in the car
Mod search
Ice Angron
color scheme for the official army?
Wardogs on the hunt!
The Death of Angron art made by jovaether
Commander pack vs card lot
People with Down Syndrome be like:
Time is merciless
chin measurement by @cco00oo
Libertarianism vs liberalism vs leftism. What's the difference?