My husband got me a vacuum for my 50th
Am I overreacting to the cost of a destination wedding?
AITAH for not wanting my friends’ unvaccinated toddlers around mine?
What is an American grocery item you are willing to pay a premium and why are you willing to pay the premium?
A note to brides offering childcare: please don’t be offended when your guests don’t want to use it.
I'm dating a guy that is also dating other women. Should I bail now, or wait until he has made a decision?
AITA for not paying for my nephew's tuition after he was rude to my son?
I have failed her
Help me determine if I should be concerned or glad of something my 16th at old son said to me
I can't do 4 years of this. Wtf
Make no mistake: this is a call to his sycophants to defend Tesla at any cost. Protests at Tesla locations are now going to be so much more dangerous.
AITA for refusing to voluntarily demote myself to save my pregnant sister's job?
What time of day do you use your porch lights?
i (14m) am considering calling cps on my mother.
AITAH for hiding this from my boyfriend?
Is it weird for a mother to tell her daughter to cover up when she has brothers/dad
AITA (to myself? 😅) for refusing to date because I’m too fat and uncomfortable in my skin?
I (26F) broke up with my boyfriend (30M) because he doesn't have ambition.
AITAH for not letting my sister and brother in law stay with me when they were between moves?
I could have chosen kindness. But I chose petty.
AITAH for telling my boss that I wasn't invited to the party?
Roommate NEVER cleans out the dryer lint trap….
AITA for refusing to delete my OnlyFans even tho my new boyfriend hates it?
AITA for leaving my date at the bar after she insulted my kids?
AITA My dad and his wife threw my mom's things in the trash and I took them back out and refused to give them back