I love to write BUT
What makes a satisfactory /unsatisfactory conclusion?
My best writing day I got 11,000 word. What was your best day?
What’s your opinion on chapters that only add depth?
Best genre for first script
Wrote my first book. A Children's rhyming picture book.
How did you come up with names for characters or places in your fantasy novels?
Too many story ideas - can’t pick one
Looking for great indie games on Steam
This has to be.. the most horrendous ranking I’ve seen I needed to share it. I already wasted so much energy commenting on this video I can't explain what's wrong with this right now, but I think it speaks for itself.
Say a weird/funny thing you did as a child and I’ll assign you a pjsk character! ^^
Winter Walk
if u see this type H
Do I know your country name green yes red no
Where y'all sitting? (As yourself, not as your V)
No Kings.
Stolen Valor
What's your least favorite word that you adamantly refuse to use in your writing?
Someone trying to be a real life Ghost Rider.
It looks even better at night!
I have the ideas for a novel, but I don't know where to start. Any tips?
How important is language and science in fantasy?
Should chapters be a consistent length? In other words, would you be put off if one chapter is only five pages and the next is ten pages while another is more/less?
War Criminal or War Hero?