Can I be honest (serious rant)
Cât durează validarea actelor pentru abonament Tpark?
Cât durează validarea documentelor pentru abonament Tpark?
I wanna draw somethings. Will probably be uncoloured tho sorry :P
Bunker + watchtower doomsday prepper build :3
Question for women, when you see a random man you like do you create scenarios in your head of a life with him?
What are the best ways to help a girl really feel appreciated?
What do you think about a guy with a lot of female friends, he’s straight btw?
What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen on someone’s dating profile?
If you could live in any fictional world, which one would it be and why?
Do you spend your whole workday doing actual productive work, not procrastinating or socializing or anything, or do you take breaks? What would you say the ratio is?
What's the best smell in the world?
If you could see any clothing style come back from any place/time in history, what would it be?
Which are most underrated horror movies?
What’s a legit get rich quick idea ??
How would we describe a trans person who became a mythical creature or hybrid overnight, like a cat girl? Would "Trans-Trans" fit, or would a new term emerge? What do you think?
What are some movies that just messed you up?
What’s your favorite anime?
What's your biggest fear for the future of the World?
Why do you keep yourself updated with a celebrity even though you don't like them?
What do people without insurance do if they get cancer or other serious illnesses?
What are things that feel awkward, but shouldn't?
Whats the best anime you guys are watching right now?
What’s the silliest cat name you’ve ever heard?
Be honest, how are you doing right now?