Had to do it
After I finish House MD, which SCD verse do you suggest me to watch/read?
Name a character I will tell you how they do against Hannibal
Thinking + reasoning SF match 2
CTW L & Light + Dexter & Brian + Tokuchi Vs. PJ, Hannibal and Akira IRL with no influence
At this point I don't even know if there's a pattern to when I post fanarts, but here, Seonghyun Moon
Hannibal (Series+ all movies) Vs Tokuchi & akiyama In overral?
Aizen vs Itachi
Who takes overall EI/EQ
Itachi vs Eren
Whos your favourite character? Mine is:
My take on Light Yagami (canon/animanga) versus Ayanokoji Kiyotaka (Canon?LN) (same format as those other guys)
Where does he scale?
Thinking + reasoning SF match 1
Fang yuan (Manhua) vs Koji (LN)
Let's make this a new trend if we can, why not
How do we feel of this take
Thinking + Reasoning QF match 1
Thinking + reasoning QF match 2
Thinking + reasoning QF match 3
Thinking + reasoning match 4
Who outsmarts? What diff?
Definition of “toying with your opponent”