Justice Hunters - Yummy Surprise
Duelist Advance - New Psychic Support
Justice Hunters - New K9 Archetype
How in the world do you get all these royals and don't cheat?
Playing Around Nibiru
Which manga was better than its anime counterpart?
10/10 Event Would Play Again
New "Yummy" Cards
Congrats to Dinh-Kha on Winning YCS Birmingham with Fire King
Congrats to Dinh-Kha on Winning with Fire King
Dinh-Kha Bui wins YCS Birmingham with Pure Fire King!
Alright. I'll finally download this game.
Dragon Tale Cards From New Set Justice Hunters
Need new players to enter this code. Let's help each other and we'll get Albaz deck.
Hey, if anyone uses my code: I will use the Code from that user, so we both get the New Branded Deck😊
15 URs 15 SRs in 30 packs
New Players and Returning Players, feel free to use my code and let's help each other to get Albaz Deck!
New user, can someone enter my code? Thanks I love branded but it’s so expensive.
Code Megathread + New Packs, LEAKS, Structure Deck & MORE!
New Player Campaign: Free Branded Decklist + Code Share Megathread Link
Rotating Home Wallpapers
Gachiakuta 126: Ask your Soul
Bros, i think 3rd anniversary won't be Red-Eyes themed
Doc with another banger