Durable, drop-proof case for LPII
Does anyone have a job where they're expected to respond to Teams or email outside of normal work hours, and also have a light phone?
Why buy a Light Phone when you can make your current smart phone a Light Phone?
Brand new to BUJO....questions
Quarterly Spreads and Sprints/Weeklys
The market is brutal out there
I don’t want to beat a dead horse, but…
How to successfully use BuJo when your job requires digital task/calendar tools?
Comfort Trek
Why isn’t a restricted smartphone enough?
Temporary rules concerning discussion of 2024 Presidential Election
Sample collections pages
How to Create a Star Trek Future
I worry that I am overdramatizing my experiences in order to justify a victim mentality
Could Use Some Dating Advice
Women who've never tooted in Front of their partner: how did you handle pregnancy??
Is it wierd to get annoyed at your partner's "playful poutings"?
CBT feels quite inappropriate for emotional neglect and I'm baffled mental health providers don't see it
Should I get a divorce?
AIO to my GF laughing after saying she's had "bigger"?
AITAH for letting my perpetually late boyfriend miss a game he was excited about because I didn’t remind him to hurry up?
How do you get your parents to acknowlege the emotional harm they've done
Trying to be friends with someone I dated. Not going well.
AITAH for calling my girlfriend an idiot for getting another pet she can’t afford to take care of?
If you’re in the US and are eligible, have you made a plan to vote?