Sorry for the dumb question but wondering how to interpet this sheet properly
Art Book When/Where?
Borg to Human Ratio
What is this place? Is it just a background?
Am I crazy? Or is this WAY too nonchalant for what just happened lmfao
New player in need of something help
New Corporation: Magma-Core Industries
Are There Any Confirmed Limits On Blackwall-Breaching Abilities?
Need help understanding how the Tech work.
Need Cyberpunk Roller Derby Names
How can my character (techie) create whole new tech?
My future self ;)
Taking a break? Don't forget to top off the water at base
Is this how Field Expertise works?
Randomly blowing up at exfil
Tanks really confuse me, they go right over my head.
should they have hot-fixed the more critical bugs by now?
Euruskan Grabbers getting you down? Pro tip: Start taking a Pneumatic Jump
FYI: The SVD has an unlockable scope slot
Believe it or not, I was just trying to get out alive
I returned the game on Steam
Did not know this was a thing.
Need help with SVD.
Pity The Europan
Is it just me?