Literally me watching gameplay of the new killer....
Stuck on loading screen, plz help
TF2 Scout Shelly skin, Scouting Shelly
What Are Our (Extremely Early) Thoughts on The Ghoul?
Seriously... like... does he have to scream every five seconds? I'd rather listen to Blight and Nurse narrate Fifty Shades Of Grey than listen to one more teenage edgy scream.
They killed Xenomorph
Dead by Daylight Killer Concept: The Mourning. A ghostly killer more in line with the western version of a spirit. (I'm not good at balancing so just take the power and perks as more of a baseline of ideas rather than hard stuck stats and numbers. Please.)
Dead By Daylight Killer Concept: The Mourning. A ghostly killer more in line with the western idea of a spirit. (The perks and power are not hard stuck stats and numbers. Just baseline ideas with what I thought were good numbers.)
Tell me your survivor main without telling me his/her name
I... I can't stop, this is way too much fun. Especially looking deeper into lore to make them.
More Killer interactions
Saw some killer interactions and wanted to make a few myself.
What is your dbd hot take?
I turned my killer concept into a full chapter, let me know what you guys think. (I value your guys opinion on survivor perks than survivor mains... don't tell them I said that)
What is even the point of power points anymore
Fan Chapter Concept, Ancient Hunger. (Killer: The Maw) {Survivor: Dakota Kenway}
Since we may eventually get a dinosaur killer with a Jurassic Park chapter. I did the DBD thing and made an adjacent killer concept! Behold, The Maw!
Dbdkillers loved this concept so I thought I'd put it here. My take on a "dinosaur" killer. The Maw!
Type: “Pallet looping is” and let autocorrect finish the sentence.
Siphon, Blood thirsty damge hero
If we had a Little Nightmares chapter which you y'all prefer. A or B (Obviously with some tweaked animations and maybe some lighting interaction changes)
DBD Little Nightmares Survivor Chapter Concept
Full FNAF Paragraph Concept (Power+Addons+Perks)
I made Addons for my previous FNAF killer concept
Full FNAF Killer Paragraph Concept {Power + Perks}