Caref petition against work rule changes along with various other bargaining positions
James can’t win - CLc should reach out to Mike
Caref can’t win on his own.
Why Vote No?
Why I endorse Mike Caref for President
Interesting Mike Caref Remark
Will History Repeat ? Please Share With our Brothers & Sisters
Update on Contract and Charges -Please Share and tune in for Thursday / Friday Podcast #FATA (7 photos)
Any New on the contract?
The Rank & File Wants Answers
2/22/2024 One Year Since Negotiations Began
One year into negotiations
Auld Lang Syne
Twas the night before Christmas….
The Year in Review
Ensure the survival of the Postal Service on our backs !!
Enough is enough -
Another carrier robbed at gunpoint
What’s everyone think about this ?
Any Member/Branches working on passing Resolutions for the 2024 NALC Convention?
The Members Deserve An Explanation - Don't We ?
How Much is a Suite At the Ritz Carleton in New Orleans ?
How Much is a Suite at the Ritz Carlton in New Orleans ?