It's so over
just sell the game 🥀
Anybody is kinda scared about Forsaken's future?
Guys I think the game might be done for
What do you guys dislike about the Forsaken Community? (Image related)
Tell me your guy's Ideas for Last Man Standing Themes. i'll go first
so due to lulz being pulled out of forsaken, whats going to happen to this theme?
It's like putting a diamond ring on a PIG HOOF
don't say it
How wrong are they?
Updates on last post
Killer Concept:The general
I don’t know why no one is talking about this but- where’s noli?
Friendly reminder that you're this man's friend
Which skin do you like the most? I’ll start
My new favorite character
Be serious THIS is a lot better than THIS don't let nostalgia blind you guys
Make the comments section look like apple search history
Why does Pen look like a kid who got their ipad taken away at the Thanksgiving dinner table
All of the "Hot Takes" on this sub:
Two Times's New Abilities in Action!!! (Sorta)
Theory: Bluududs catchphrase might actually be "oh nvm I forgot"