Fathom Blue or White (stealth)
5 month old puppy biting
Told my wife I was gonna get a Lucid, she told me not a good idea cause they might go bankrupt soon..
People who recently purchased a lucid
EA free charging gone
Valuation of your car at lease-end?
Considering Buying But Concerned with Financial Health of Lucid
Lucid's Sales Service has turned me off Lucid
Should I get my Samoyed spayed?
Lucid Air vs refreshed M3P
Lucid sales team is unwilling or unable ?
Lucid Referral Links - Save up to $1,250, or post your link here
Dry shampoo recommendations
Thoughts on PurLuxe?
Puppy peeing every 30 mins
Model S Plaid - Best car I've ever owned
Joining the Lucid family
Last minute advice
Deposit before selecting car?
Contemplating lease again
Plaid vs Grand Touring
deal or no deal?
Polar Mist Samoyeds