Rookie, Pinned down, Myopia, and some green head (0 damage) Fire thumper FTW
How would you rate WWZ from a scale of 1 to 10?
Despite popular belief,duping attachments is possible on console not just pc 👁️👁️
New class idea:K-9
game chrashed
Osrs Mobile
Mobile client crashes after update
Clueless royal knight
Now this is Excellent gameplay
FYI you need to have at least 500 collection log slots to make the high scores.
Ghommals hilt
Gun perks reset after the latest update
Jagex when
Really this is what I get for hitting lvl70 what am I supposed to do with this
Max hell can wait
Which corruption card do you hate the most and why? 🤔
Made it to the end of act 1 on nightmare and genuinely can’t beat it
What it looks like when you spend 250,000 supply points. Don’t let them pile up like I did 😭
Psa : be careful when saving up a bunch of supply points, and using them up at the same time. I was banned for a few minutes from online play because I am currently spending 250,000 supply points.
Back4Blood Hater...NO MORE
The b4b comeback is real !!!! Look at the concurrent users
am i supposed to walk this slow?
285 supply points for a hive on no Hope seems like so little . Should’ve been more per level , the way it’s broken down you get so little points