У меня тревожно-ипохондрическое расстройство, депрессия и панические атаки. Задавайте вопросы.
Есть ли здесь тот, кто раньше имел низкую самооценку, неуверенность, тревожность? Как вам удалось с этим справиться и обрести "свободу"?
Права женщин
Просто история
Есть друг но от него противно
Те кому за 30 это так?
What does "you had me hello" mean?
native English speakers, when you pronounce the s sound, is the tip of your tongue down toward your bottom teeth or up behind your top teeth?
Native English speakers, how do you feel about the Russian accent, does it sound pleasant, do you like it, does it infuriate you?
Поцеловать его или пусть сам?
Could someone explain to me what the difference is between CONVINCE and PERSUADE?
Could someone to explain to me what the difference is between eat and eat up?
Is there any difference between "to sustain" and "to maintain"
Не могу наесться
Гендерная дисфория
What's the difference between achieve and reach? When are they interchangeable?
Could someone explain what the difference is between "be about to do something" and "be going to do something"?
What does "referred to" mean in this context?
Девушка попросила парня купить ей прокладки с крылышками, и вот что из этого получилось
What's the difference between "to be willing" and "to be ready" ?
Доигрались: РКН заявил, что будет аннулировать лицензии провайдеров за самостоятельное ускорение YouTube Операторы получили следующее указание:
Первый поцелуй
What's the difference between To finish, to end, to complete, to conclude, to polish off?
people learning English as a second language, does your jaw hurt when you speak it? I recently encountered this problem, I want to know if anyone else has this problem
which sentence is more correct?