Libs are the party of trans rights! If you’re anti-liberal, you’re anti-trans!
Fantastic Four by Fedorov_doma
Which Marvel movie do you actually really like that you wish annoying haters would stop complaining about?
Has anyone else noticed the star fruit at the puffle park?
What do these 4 pictures have in common?
LOL what do you think
Who is your favorite artist for The Four (other than Kirby) mine is Mike Wieringo
Is it too unpopular to say i kinda love the old cheesy homestuck humor.
I genuinely need somebody to explain to me, what the hate behind this movie is..because, I felt it was great.
Why can I not take my puffles on a walk?
Do you have a unique favorite Pokemon? I need to know.
What's a Marvel Storyline/Event that you're surprised has never been adapted for a Video Game? For me it'd be Secret Wars 2015. It would make for a hype premise for a Marvel Fighting Game
What's the difference between Ultimate Namor and 616 Namor? Would 616 Namor like the Ultimate version?
Homestuck Beyond Vriskas
The didn’t deserve their fates
I noticed this little heart next to Blaze as she looks on at Silver. Pretty cute ♥️
Who’s winning this fight?
What do you think about Gunn's decision to basically rewrite Rocket's backstory?
Advice for ferret with heart disease?
Things similar to homestuck ?
Realizing we gotta wait another year for season 4
When Homer and Burns are best friend ls...then forgot
What is your favourite death of an innocent, random person?
Who’s a character you’re quickly getting tired of seeing?
Why does scrappy get hate?