Smokin' that jazz cabbage
Here's my 1923 Conn New Wonder that was just repaired after getting run over right after it was overhauled...
Which fast fireing AR is the best in your opinion
Roast my second car that I sold for a piece of garbage Fiesta.
I have a great dad
Swab stuck in my soprano
How do you pronounce it?
what do yall think am i cooked at 18
This stoned owl keeps trying to talk to me while I’m working
do yall think aot is ever coming back
Is this normal for carbon steel?
finally might quit
Yall don’t forget to have a wonderful Friday! Be kind today!
This is what a hero looks like
Give it hell!
Pretty impressive
what did yall get?
finally might do it
Red 5 on his way to blow up the Death Star…
I have around 85,000 1999 Starwars Taco Bell Posters...
The saddest scene in Star Wars.
I’m the captain now!
It's so hard to understand DOOM's lyrics as a non native English speaker😭
day one of finding one thing people hate about each state - hawaii