“You’re an embarrassment! I talked to SCJerk after your botch today, and they’re M*rks just like the basement!”
The IWC when it’s time to infantilize Iyo and treat her like she’s a 7 year old child who needs to be protected from Charlotte, Rhea, Bianca, and Nia
DAE Jey doesn’t deserve to be in the Main Event?!?!!!!!?!?
You’re just mad because you’re not having as much FUN as we are.
I feel like Jim and Brian are losing a little bit of the magic of the show
"If I was shooting, you and I would both know."
What happens when you Control the Narrative?
HHH: Do what’s right, put the title back on Rhea!
MFW, you release scjerk is slowly turning into a non jerk sub & it's just hating on wrestlers and goon over the ones they like.
DAE Paul Heyman actually sucks?
The aura is undeniable
Man I hope that chair was shaved down, poor Willow 😔
BEST CAGE MATCH EVER! DAE think CTE is overrated?
Bro like bro it's so bro. There's no Viagra in a bro match bro. Unwatchable bro
Cornettes 9/11
But But... M'Dave said he's the best. Why is no one watching. Why are fed bots not watching
Ah yes. The 100% percent, absolutely, for sure, definitely not a red herring, leaks.
Fed in the mud
I mean sure the fed is doing record profits, but let me explain why Smackdown is dying but Collision and Dynamite are thriving!!!
The feeling has been unrestored™️
Me and my fellow Yeetamaniacs(Fed shills) enjoying Jen’s cinematic work.
"I already have a good rapport with the wrestling media"
"What did I ever do to deserve an empty headed goof like Enzo to go into business for himself?"
Last night’s Smackdown was the worst weekly show of the Triple H era
Fed just trademarked Malakai Blacks new ring, what do you goofs think?