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Has this sub become more pro-Putin in the past 3 years?
Which other passports display three or more languages on the cover?
У меня тревожно-ипохондрическое расстройство, депрессия и панические атаки. Задавайте вопросы.
Is this skin worth much????
Here you go!.. Ukrainian bread... Ukrainian steel... and land! USSR 1941
An exquisit house of assignation in Red lights district, Novyy Yorksk, Russia.
Фраза которая вам очень нравится из игр
My idea for a Russia-Ukraine peace treaty
Как у вас был первый секс?
Guess which Country made this stamp
Sucks that you gotta serve in both armies
Soviet Jūrmala, in region Kauguri
Israeli passport redesign
"Russian Orc" Shooting Target. Poland, 2022.
Какую нетипичную профессию вы бы выбрали?
На что вы никогда не возьмёте кредит и микрозаймы?
International community condemns Thailand for deporting Uyghurs to China
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A rare one i guess
Who of you guys posted this?
My wife has a boyfriend, ask me anything.
Well well well
My passport is probably the most famous and talked about passport in the world 😬 More in first comment
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Рубрика: угадай город