How the heck are y’all eating and drinking (even close to) enough in the day?!
Anger when someone pisses you off when your on adderall
Realistic income for family of 5 (3 kids under 10) moving to LA/Beverly Hills? And suggestions of good areas to live.
I'm always extremely tight on money, what are low budget/free things to do that you all look forward to?
Breaking away from self-destructive "hobbies"
Is anyone on Buspar only once a day?
First Apartment! 23 M
"Economic uncertainty", "the belt is tightening", "look at our stock price"
Is it just me, or is night life in this city kind of... dead?
jobs that don’t take up your entire life / time
How are your partners handling you not finding work
How can someone find a job within a month?
Anything more than Architectural lighting?
Just a thought...
Careers that make you feel like you're on stage?
What have been some of your food hyperfixations?
Believe I have ADHD but get prescribed antidepressants
The balance between clutter and remembering things exist
Easy hyperfixation meals?
I spent two days on a research project. I forgot I was supposed to check in with someone first.
I recently joined some home decor type subs and something has been bothering me...
I only have the "H" when I'm around other people
Can you explain brain zaps?
Drinking while on Buspar