Sharing my WhiWa floor 12 cheese strats so hopefully it can help F2P players a little
They managed to make Whimpering Wastes 10 times worse
What 4000% Crit. DMG looks like with only 1000 ATK.
Can someone tell me where can i tead this manhua
I dont see chibi thank god, i wish they just dint pull out chibi avatars again. I took 2 point from previous live stream just because of chibi
I'm late but dang it, I finally found the hidden chest at Averardo Vault 😫
Was this always like this?
Fantasies of the Thousand Gateways, i barely escaped from that encounter ...
What is Brant's flaw?
My Changli (S1) after farming echoes since her debut.
I hope they buff him soon. He's fun.
Verina or Shorekeeper?
I know wuwa devs listen to players suggestion, so i whould like to suggest an end game mode.
Bro lose his mind
What Qol updates that we might need in future..
Lore you should know about your 4☆ (last part).
Tell me a 4 star character for use and upgrade (idk why i put this image)
Who Did you pull for their aesthetic/Chara design and not because they're meta or popular ?
cool whale in the sky
Lore you should know about your 4☆ characters (part 6).
New federation character concept art
Any tips to kill this monkey faster?
A character based on dodge counters and parries?
Kuro, make up your mind please.
Lore you should know about your 4☆ characters (part 4).