I wish Dante and Trish had more interactions as best buddies like at 7:04 and 9:22
Lady from trailer
Is this a reference to "the three stooges" show?
How does blue rase handle nero's fire rate?
How Would Vergil React to Trish?
Could this be Arkham/Jester?
These screenshots kinda look lika a meme material
I hate those red bastards
Lady does the Nero kick!
The main reason Vergil's voiceline in the trailer sounds off is not because of a different voice actor
Pinnacle of Devil power
Confirmation that it's all the same scene
I like how expressive that woman is
Vergil 1 DMD with only Nevan and Royalguard style
Any working free cams for DMC4SE and the HD collection?
So this is how Dante felt when he looked at Arkham
“DMC 2 isn’t that bad” said the liar
So I've started making Alan Wake-themed mod for Unreal Gold (1998)
V and D
In cutscene Eva managed to leave the house
What are some of your theories for the story after dmc5
My most coolest screenshots of V
Which minor characters would you want to play as?
Anybody else think Jester should’ve been a Costume/skin in Dmc 3?
Vergil ain't having it good