Me after I see the smash play a gravestone on turn 9
Anybody is kinda scared about Forsaken's future?
My honest reaction to the Ihasafacelulz collab getting forsaken
Miss Information appreciation post
What do you guys think of the vita mimic model vs. how the creator intended for them to look? I think he was done dirty 😔
i hate two time players
What are people’s thoughts on Ao Oni? (Image maybe kind of related)
Let's go gambling!
When was this card added?
Happy Birthday: Ezreal Today, on March 16, 15 years ago, in 2010, Ezreal, The Prodigal Explorer, was released!
Glad he didn't get Overhelm (switcheroo challenge)
Wedding invitation
Why peashooter?
Hard-Counters Unlife of the Party!!!?!?!??!??!
i really want this cool thing with the bluudud intro where that he changed the name from c00lkidd to bluudud with a blue crayon XD
Skarner Concept
What is your opinion on Wizard Zombie ?
What's something that you hate in forsaken? (Video unrelated)
Pirate bundle is unchanged lmao
Skin bingo again! If you've seen the skin in game 5 times that's a strike.