Todojiro/TodoJirou (Todoroki X Jiro/Jirou)
Difficult Poem Delivery (Spongebob)
Even Mineta has more qualities than how MC haters make him out to be
MC haters are the most unbearable mfs ever
Who is your favorite CROSSOVER ship for: Mei Hatsume?
Give Ms Joke a new hero name.
Spooky Grapes (Reiko X Mineta)
Not “that” seriously, Bumblebee
Transformers animated be like:
Which show is this
Give Shigaraki a new villain name.
You can only choose ONE hour-long instructional to attend -- who's your teacher?
Why does everyone hate mc?
I would ask who this is but I feel like this is quite literally everyone
Did Anybody else felt the urge to punt this thing like a Football?
Who should grimlock go on a date with arcee or blackarachnia
Give Grape Juice a new hero name!
You know its true right?
Can’t decide which ship I like best for Bakugo 😭
Let's Play A Game! Who do you ship ft: Ms Joke (Emi Fukukado)
You're taking one of them on a $10 date, who do you choose, and what are you doing?
Not Like Us (Midnight X Pixie-Bob)
Why does some persons treat MC like he's dense or sometimes hated?
Guess the cartoon 🤔🧐🤨
Which human characters do you absolutely hate?