Let’s see them Salty Cammies
Former DIs. Confess to us the time you went too far with a recruit. We want to know.
Raise your hand if you haven't put your buddy over your shoulder upside down and demonstrated the proper technique for buddy aid
Dose anyone else think this is accurate?
If you rearrange USMC you get CUMS
Sprouts is Open!
How was y'all's military service? Worth it? Good, bad, or just mid?
Do you guys mark stuff on the map?
You can't play music on a guitar
Gavin Newsom is a Neo-Brandeisian
Shots fired lol
my friend and i just got served raw chicken
Dogs chained to fence 24/7
What happened to folding hard tops?
What does my gear say about me?
When you see other Marine vets out in civilian world, what is your common greeting of the day?
Is this enforceable for reservists not on orders?
My Dad the Rock Star (2003-2004)
Guns out 🤭
My prized possessions - children deployment cards
No lowballs, he knows what he's got
What are you doing to celebrate 305 Day?
This November it will be 20 years since Guitar Hero was released.
nfs mw is the ultimate older brother core, it even has axe ads in game
Who's got a loose ass?