What gives male writers away when writing about romance?
These people need therapy.
What’s something you have never, and most likely will never believe in?
So is a ship between someone 27 and 21 seen as gross or creepy?
What do you do during nap time?
My schools teachers lounge uses a photo of a no students allowed sign instead of an actual sign
What mind-blowing (but simple facts) would impress a five-year-old?
If someone drops something in the street or leaves something, can you legally just take it?
How likely is it that pell grants will be effected by Trump's EO?
Anyone wanna help me with an apocalypse?
If everyone in the world wore a T-shirt with the phrase they say the most, what would yours say?
What would be your reaction if you woke up in a strange building in an unfamiliar place surrounded by people you don’t recognize and are just as confused as you?
Do evil people know that they’re evil?
How can I pay off my car with my credit card?
How long would it take to quarantine a country once a hyper infectious deadly virus is discovered?
Despite how scary things are, are we, as a species, doing better?
Why is everyone so pissed over America imposing tariffs?
What are you all doing to prepare for the economy to get even worse?
My 3yr old likes to throw things. My $700 monitor doesn't like having things thrown at it.
Why is nationalism so popular?
Too many fucks for one page?
Why does everyone hate children now?
What is going on with the price of this kids book?
Teachers who work at centers where student teachers come in as part of their training, do you find the student teachers annoying?
Moral dilemma, would you give animals better lives and remove harmful farming methods even if it meant raising the price of food and sending families to bed hungry?