Barry - 1066
Er folk her så dumme?
My name is Coo
Won my first game!
Many such cases
I made the EXETER cover out of wood :D
"Pushed to the badlands"
Why can't they make roads 2* just for yadakk? And lumber huts 2* just for hoodrick?
Every. Single. French. Post.
Monster Mule Kick!!!
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Best book on MMT! That explains it the easiest!
Ratboy turning four <3
I have now officially tasted the rainbow
My ex said I had an ugly face shape
Waar ben jij dankbaar voor vandaag?
Which accents are easier for you to understand? (ENG/DEU)
A Zoroastrian (left) and Muslim woman from Persia in the late 19th century.
Well I finally did it, I got new Vegas and have never played a fallout game before! Any beginner tips?
What does Gen Z think of Michael Jackson?
We’re not going back to burning fossil fuels, right?
How to improve my accent?
De "islamitische" kinderen van Rutte"
Why are the norwegians in donbas?